
Faulty Inverters & isolators

There are many reasons clients contact us to replace Inverters and Isolators.  Is your PV Installation starting to show signs of age, is energy production starting to decline?  We can assist with any issue and we’re able to diagnose error code problems for any manufacturer nationwide.  So, whether it’s an electronic failure, the wrong size of Inverter for your system or a poor initial installation or Inverter connection our team of engineers are on hand to help.

Complete piece of mind knowing that the most important part of the installation is covered by your warranty Contact Us today >

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    FAQs about Commercial Solar

    What is commercial solar?

    Commercial solar refers to the installation of solar power systems on commercial buildings or properties. It involves the use of solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power the operations of businesses, offices, or other commercial establishments.

    Why should a commercial business consider installing solar panels?

    There are several benefits to installing solar panels for commercial businesses, including: Cost savings: Solar power can significantly reduce electricity bills, leading to long-term cost savings. Environmental sustainability: Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability. Positive brand image: Going solar demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility and can enhance a business's reputation among environmentally conscious consumers. Tax incentives and grants: Many governments offer financial incentives, tax credits, or grants to promote the adoption of solar energy.

    How do commercial solar systems work?

    Commercial solar systems consist of solar panels, inverters, and a metering system. The solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. The inverters convert the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used to power the commercial establishment. The metering system measures the electricity generated by the solar panels and tracks the energy consumption and production.

    What size of solar system does a commercial business need?

    The size of a commercial solar system depends on various factors, including the energy consumption of the business, available roof or ground space for installation, and budget. A professional solar installer can assess these factors and recommend an appropriate system size to meet the specific energy needs of the commercial establishment.

    How long does it take to install a commercial solar system?

    The installation time for a commercial solar system can vary based on factors such as system size, complexity, and site-specific conditions. On average, the installation process can take several weeks to a few months, including design, permitting, procurement, and installation.

    Can a commercial business generate excess electricity with solar panels?

    Yes, a commercial business can generate excess electricity with solar panels. If the solar system produces more electricity than is consumed on-site, the excess energy can be fed back into the electrical grid. This process is known as net metering, and it allows businesses to earn credits or receive compensation for the surplus electricity produced.

    Are there any maintenance requirements for commercial solar systems?

    Commercial solar systems generally require minimal maintenance. Routine tasks include cleaning the solar panels periodically to remove dust or debris and inspecting the system for any potential issues. Most solar panels come with warranties that cover maintenance and repair costs for a specified period. It is recommended to have a professional solar installer perform regular maintenance and address any concerns.

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